Friday, January 18, 2013

Orange is the new what-have-you

I like orange. No crime in that. Tuesday night, wandering down the beauty aisle of the grocery store,  I made an impulse purchase of bright orange nail polish--like the polish pictured right except REALLY SPARKLY. I don't wear nail polish, and my nails at the time were a wreck My nails look like the nails of someone who works at a barn, and often lets nails break off naturally rather than clip them. No nail files in the house.

 But the Maybelline marketers did a good job of packaging and design and making the shade of orange that looks "fun to wear." I'll bite!

At 11pm, I applied it, just to see how it looked. I concluded that it was okay for weekends, but not really okay for work. Uh-oh. As a non-nail polish user it did not occur to me that I should have gotten nail polish REMOVER. Duh.

For the record, there are solutions found in the average garage that can be used to remove nail polish. I won't tell you what they are because I don't recommend anyone else try it. I'm just sayin, it worked to get the polish off, and leave my skin more or less intact.

Now that said --- I re-applied the color Friday -- Newman approves, and it is the kind of shade that sets off an orange cat, don't you think?


  1. I love orange!

    I actually just bought a new car in orange tangerine pearl. Most people seem to like it better than my last car, which was metallic mustard. I liked that color, too.

  2. I think that's a very pretty color! I can see how you might feel it's too "boom-boom" for work (I'd wear to mine) but good for you trying something new.

    Hmmm... wearing nailpolish... making dinner... Bob is going to think he has a brand-new wife! :)


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