Thursday, September 25, 2014

My old KY home: An update

I flew into Kentucky last Thursday to see my parents. Kentucky isn't my true hometown, but I guess since my folks relocated there early this year it is my new-old Kentucky home.

My dad, who very nearly died after a bad fall last year, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma while he was being treated for the kidney damage that occurred due to the fall. He started chemotherapy at that time, and around June they declared him to be in remission.

Except, it appears, that he wasn't. A PET scan recently showed some progression, they say. I am suspending judgement until his next oncology appointment in October.

  • Did they actually compare this scan to one he had last year prior to treatment? 
  • Who reviewed the results?
  • How could the blood tests that showed remission have been so misleading?

It was a relief to see that dad's bone pain is being controlled with Fentanyl, and that he and mom are in good spirits and getting around pretty well. And I was home for mom's birthday.

On a lighter note...
I picked the shirt to the right up for a friend of mine who is known for her appreciation of bourbon. The shirt is en route to her as we speak...

1 comment:

  1. Love it! My husband and I developed an appreciation for good bourbon while living in KY last year.


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