Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Appendix QH: Whozya daddy and mommy cuz you're special!

Wow, what great cadence and rhythm in this one -- I was so sure this would be a warmblood cross but its a Quarter Horse X TB...


  1. He is just GORGEOUS! I'd take that one in a heartbeat. Wow. And how incredibly ironic that whilst poring through some comments on another blog, from way back in '08, I read someone's entry who said she's done dressage for 30 years and her breed of choice has always been the Appendix QH. :-) How do you like that!

    Of course, I must take it with a grain of salt. An awful lot of today's Appendix QHs actually are about 90% TB. I'm thinking that might be the case with this fella, and therefore it's a good endorsement for MY favorite breed, the TB! :-)

  2. I'm looking at breeding my big pretty TB (Registered name You Are a Barfly) to an awesome QH stallion (Lark's One For the Money) for a stellar 3-day eventing mount. I LOVE the cross and have found nearly every appendix I've ridden to be an excellent, capable and fun mount!

  3. Oscar's appendix and we love his movement so much now that he's been well-schooled out of his 'jog' trot.

    I'd love to see more of this boy without the martingale because that's just distracting. And with the rider in a helmet, ack!

  4. I've had two appendix QH and they were both fabulous horses. Great minds and liked to travel well and far.

  5. Wish there were not a bitting rig of some sort on him. I like to see a horse taking more contact without artificial aids.

    But, all that being said, this is a lovely horse and a really nice mover. Too many people underestimate the Quarterhorse's abilities in all disciplines. And, the ones I have known usually have super dispositions.

  6. Appendix QH are my mount of choice :) My first two horses were Appendix QH and they have hearts of gold!

  7. I have to ask why you are so suprised every time you see a QH that is a good english horse?? Check out my ID photo.. guess what hes 75% AQHA 25% TB. He has AQHA points in 5 events, AND he can still out move most of the WB around here.

    P/S. AQHA horses can earn money showing dressage....

  8. Wow, what a NICE horse. Someone should snatch him up as a dressage prospect, he is clearly suited for the job. Love the looseness in his body and that softness of his canter.

    I do like some of these vid posts...but, how's Riley?? We haven't had an update on the two of you in a while!

  9. I've always said I would love to have an Appendix QH someday!

  10. I'm not sure why you are interpreting this post the way you are, Justaplainsam. I'm admiring the horse's natural rhythm, ability to push from behind and lift from the shoulders. The horse on your blog is nice, I am not surprised as his breeding.

  11. This horse actually is unlike any other Coats N Tails baby I've ever seen, except for one. My horse has a half sister by Coats N Tails who also flunked out of AQHA hunters and is now being used for dressage and some jumping. This horse would be laughed at by the AQHA hunter people...but would make a fabulous dressage horse or maybe even eventer. Coats N Tails is very very very famous and a great sire for hunter under saddle horses and a great deal of his babies also jump but the horse in the video just does not have flat enough movement for the AQHA circuit. Having said that, I love him. I suspect his dam was probably a very warmblood like thoroughbred... because he surely did not get those moves from his sire. I love to see an Appendix who can go the sport horse route. I have an Appendix who is vastly different and would never make a dressage horse.


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