Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sensual: Is that a good horse name?

Lovely horse -- I'd change the name. She seems very uphill at the trot, especially for her age! The canter is more baby-like...


  1. 2009...makes her a 3 year old. Enough, already. Money is driving the training of these babies way to early.

    My friend just told me the "hottest" competition on the regular show front now is 2 yo Quarterhorse jumping. Big money classes. Have to look into that. Don't know if it's hunters or jumpers but....2 YEARS OLD????? Guess we need to start sending our own human toddlers out to the pro football fields so they can start earning money for college sooner than later. *sigh*

  2. Love her. No spurs, just a dressage whip held quietly. Very tactful rider, too.

  3. Ditto. I assumed the rider would be wearing spurs based on the forwardness and then I looked - no spurs. Very nice young horse and impressive riding. I'm with you on the name - hmmm.

  4. I actually like the name (she has enough quality to pull it off), and what is a more sensual experience than riding a big moving horse. As for her age: I'd be interested to see if she stays sound through her career! I was told that warmbloods are the latest maturing breeds where Qhorses mature much earlier. This is because poorer cowboys couldn't afford to keep horses around for several years before they were useful whereas the owners of warmbloods were using them for pleasure and could afford to keep then out in the field for a few more years.

  5. I have the feeling that an owner's ability to wait around for a horse to mature has very little to with the process. That sounds like circumstance changing genetic process which sounds completely ridiculous. Beyond that, warmbloods as we know them now are not that old as a type. They were plow horses and cart horses just a century ago.


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